Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Noah's Ark.

Needless to say, we had to reschedule. This morning during my 6:30 am walk, it was cold…dreary…but not raining. Well now it’s raining so hard here that I won’t be surprised if Noah himself shows up soon with the Ark in tow.

On a positive note – it is a good thing that the date was pushed back. At least there’s a chance of having photos with the leaves changed.

So now I’m back to other things on the to-do list. Finalize bridesmaid dress; figure out reception food, decided on save the dates.
Photo: The view from my office. Makes you want to stay inside doesn't it?

1 comment:

Grits said...

Sorry you had to reschedule! It's so gloomy here, that even thought I got home earlier than usual, all I've done is make a cup of coffee, watch the Gilmore Girls and read a little. So lazy today...